Buildings & Grounds

Building & Grounds Staff

  • Mission Statement

The Cheshire Public Schools Buildings and Grounds Department works daily to provide facility environments that are safe, comfortable, functional, efficient and conducive to learning. We dedicate ourselves towards the stewardship of the school district’s educational and athletic physical assets through professional services that repair, maintain and modernize.

Our Core Values

  • We work to consistently exceed our customers’ expectations.
  • We are competent, conscientious and responsive.
  • We are customer-focused, respectful and dedicated.
  • We work in a manner that provides the best value to the Town of Cheshire taxpayers.
  • We believe fun, as well as hard work, is essential to good productivity.


  • Serve as the school district’s source for planning, information, recommendations, and action essential for the successful development and operation of school facilities.
  • Develop a facilities maintenance organization that compliments the historical reputation of scholastic excellence at Cheshire Public Schools.
  • Develop the flexibility and response capability that supports the ever-changing demands of the educational process.
  • Encourage the culture of “teamwork” in everything we do.

Buildings & Grounds Main Office Telephone   (203)-250-2574

Green Cleaning Program Annual Notification

Public Act #09-81 concerns Green Cleaning Products in Schools.  Cheshire Public Schools maintains a Green Cleaning Program for the cleaning and maintenance of all school buildings in the district.  All cleaning products meet certified environmental standards approved by the State Department of Administrative Services in consultation with the Commissioner of Environmental Protection.  Available at your school facility in the main office is the following:

  1. Letter from cleaning contractors and suppliers verifying the products they supply and use are green seal certified.
  2. Complete list of green cleaning products.
  3. MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) of all cleaning products.
  4. Cleaning schedule and scope of work.

In accordance with the Public Act #09-81, NO CONSUMER PRODUCTS which are intended to clean, deodorize, sanitize or disinfect may be brought into school facilities by teachers, staff members, parents or guardians.  For more information, questions or concerns please contact the Office of Buildings and Grounds at (203) 250-2574.

Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) Management Plan