principal’s message
Dear Highland Elementary School Families, Friends, and Community Members, Welcome to Highland Elementary School! Our mission states, “Highland School is committed to providing a positive, safe, nurturing environment that inspires all children to achieve their individual potential as lifelong learners. We strive to create a community based on mutual respect in which all students become responsible citizens. This commitment relies on cooperative effort that is centered on students, supported by home and community, and facilitated by teachers and staff.” We believe that all students can learn at high levels. We continuously present our students with opportunities to think critically, problem solve strategically, and work collaboratively with peers. In this way, our students leave Highland Elementary School with a strong foundation of work habits, positive attitudes, and academic knowledge and skills upon which to build during the middle and secondary years in an effort to ensure all students are college and career ready.
Each year, our school engages in a process of continuous improvement. In the fall, goals and priorities are developed based upon data from district and state assessments. Once school goals and priorities have been determined, each grade level or department team develops an action plan to move our work forward. Collaboration is a critical component of the continuous improvement process. Teachers meet as grade level or departmental Professional Learning Communities. The focus of the Professional Learning Communities is to review student work and assessment data and adjust instruction accordingly. Additionally, teachers share effective instructional practices to improve student achievement with the ultimate goal of preparing our children to meet the demands of the 21st century. The engagement of the entire school community is an integral factor in the success of our school.
Under the dedicated leadership of our PTO and the many volunteers, a multitude of activities and service learning opportunities occur throughout the school year, which not only unite the school community, but also contribute to the rich experiences that engage our students. We invite and encourage you to be an active member of our PTO and volunteer community. A strong partnership between home and school is vital to both the academic and emotional success of our children. We are proud of our efforts to communicate with families by providing critical information about curriculum and instruction, student progress, and important events that take place throughout the school year. Our website provides important links to the Family Handbook, Parent/Guardian Bulletin, and classroom teacher websites. Our staff is dedicated to providing a quality learning experience for students in an environment where we as a community of learners inspire all to think, to learn, to achieve, and to care. On behalf of the Highland Elementary School staff, we look forward to a successful and productive year.
Warmest regards,
Scott Jeffrey